Do Epic Shit

Soumita Pachhal
6 min readApr 12, 2023


There is nothing new in this book. It is meant to be a reminder. It probably won’t change your life but it helps you to be more aware so that you can make better decisions in life; not from a state of ignorance but rather awareness.

Below are the key thoughts that inspired me from this book.

1) We have only one life. But we don’t need to be one person.

This is one such inspirational thought that I really liked in this book. Most of us have many passions, and for 90% of us, our full-time job is not from one of those passions. It could be due to various reasons why we have chosen the one that we are doing instead of following our passions.

But you don’t need to define yourself to just one title, one designation for your entire life. You can still explore your other interests. You can still become an entrepreneur in addition to your day job.

You can still become an artist and sell your artwork online. If you are interested in creating content, writing online, you can still do these and earn money from your side hustle. You can continue this until your one identity changes from your day job to something else.

Don’t just define yourself to one role and one title. Explore your passions. You only have one life but you don’t need to live with just one identity.

2) Time goes away and leaves us with only one of these two things: Regret or Results.

We always wanted to achieve a lot in our life, do something that interest us for so many years. We want to do those that have been waiting for years.

With every passing year, we will be disappointed that why we have not started. But as time flies, it will leave us only more and more regrets. A year from now you will never be sure of the results, but you can certainly be sure of the regret. So, Start today.

3) Don’t live your life as a template?

Most of us will be living our life as a template that is doing the same things over and over again in our work life. When we say we have 10 years of experience, is it 10 years of experience or 1 year of experience done 10 times over and over?

Doing the same thing over and over a year does not make you gain experience in those years. Doing different things, things that are out of your comfort zone, etc. sums up the experience.

Do something that you have never done before. Keep pushing yourself and be ready to change.

4) Your self-talk determines your self-worth

Photo by Jen Theodore on Unsplash

Who are we? We are all nothing but the stories we tell ourselves. You are determined by the things you think and the words you say to yourself.

If you tell yourself that you are not an achiever, you can never become more productive, you are that person. If you tell yourself that you can achieve all your goals by taking small steps you can handle any difficult things.

You become what you think about most of the time.

5) No one is useless. Everyone knows something you don’t.

When we approach people with the mindset that they don’t know anything, we close all doors to learning something new. Only when we shut the door of our ego and be open to learning something new do we realize how much we don’t know.

As everyone has stories, each story comes with knowledge that you don’t know.

True knowledge will come when you accept that you don’t know much. As Socrates said, ‘Knowing that you don’t know much is the best knowledge.’

It’s better to learn from someone else’s mistake rather than repeat the same in our life. Ankur Warikoo, the author of Do Epic Shit has failed more than once and he has shared his entire life with us. From dropping out of Ph.D. to starting Nearbuy, he has shared everything which will teach you a lot about life and how to not give up on dreams.

6) Habits

Photo by THE 5TH on Unsplash

Habits will open doors of opportunities for you. They are what build you. Don’t try to wake up early. Sleep early. The secret is to be energized, happy, and productive in the morning. Be curious. It’s what creates opportunities more than hard work ever will. The most important skills today are Humour, storytelling, managing money, human psychology, and cold emailing. You have to have a plan but without action they are nothing. Stay away from social media. Because the smartest minds are working 24/7 to keep you hooked. Follow the right set of people on social media and you’ll see more opportunities. You become like the people you spend the most time with- both online and offline.

7) Mistakes you should avoid with money

Photo by Josh Appel on Unsplash

Don’t take loans to buy real estate. Don’t invest all of your money in illiquid assets. Don’t increase your lifestyle with the increase in your income. Don’t invest in the hope of making money fast.

8) Here’s what you should know about money

Always take taxes into consideration. Inflation is a real thing.Compounding rests on time. Give it time. Don’t interrupt it. Invest in places where you can withdraw cash whenever you need it. Have excess cash? Wait for the right moment to buy. Wait patiently for the market to drop. In your 20s, live below your means. Double down on what’s working rather than diversification. Diversification will not yield supernormal results. Take risks early on and don’t worry about the short-term ups and downs

9) Relationships

Photo by Everton Vila on Unsplash

Relationships are the places where we thrive. They are also the places where we are challenged the most. All problems in the world have a root in miscommunication. All relationships thrive on communication. The best way to be taught is to teach others. Break down what you already know and teach it to others. Being kind is powerful. Not all will reciprocate but it is always the right thing to do. Respect>>> Empathy>>> Sympathy. Sympathy is a form of pity. Empathy is rising above it and thinking at par with someone who is going through and respect is rising beyond what they are going through and letting them know that they are doing a beautiful job.

10) Awareness

Photo by Emma Simpson on Unsplash

Being aware and mindful of every action you take is a vital skill. Although it’s simple, most people don’t exercise it. Don’t let your feelings about what others will say determine your actions. We procrastinate not because of laziness but because of fear. The fear of failure, success. Fear of rejection. We procrastinate because we don’t find security in our achievements. Instead of chasing people’s meaning of success, seek satisfaction in your own journey. Being calm even in the harshest situations is a superpower. Calmness doesn’t mean you don’t lack drive. It means having the power to turn that drive into action. The calm itself is the fire.

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Soumita Pachhal
Soumita Pachhal

Written by Soumita Pachhal

Content Writer || Software Engineer|| MSSQL Consultant||

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