How to Spend a Day Productively

Soumita Pachhal
5 min readMar 9, 2023


“The early bird catches the worm.”

Photo by Sage Friedman on Unsplash

Everyone can become a morning person. It may not happen immediately, but there is tremendous power in getting things done early in the morning. In fact, it’s one of the best ways to set yourself up for a productive day. Use your morning to focus on yourself. It’s a big productivity killer to start your mornings by checking your email and your calendar. This allows others to dictate what you accomplish. Start your day out right by ignoring your emails in the morning and getting in a good breakfast, reading the news, meditating, or working out. This will ensure you’ve got the necessary fuel for a productive day.

If you have a busy schedule, you likely want to make the most out of each day. If there’s a lot on your plate, this can feel euphoric. However, basic organizational skills and time management can help you have a productive daily routine.

  1. Start preparation the night before :
Photo by Thaddaeus Lim on Unsplash

Planning ahead to avoid a last-minute rush. If well prepared and organize the day before and if you know what are things are there on your plate to complete for tomorrow. You don’t need to spend time in the morning segregating your work. You can just focus on your things to get them done properly.

2. Cut your to-do list in half:

Photo by Isabel Maria Guner-Velasco on Unsplash

You don’t need to complete your all To-Do task. Don’t be harsh on yourself. Do everything with love. Take a less-is-more approach to your to-do list by only focusing on accomplishing things that matter.

3. Take more breaks:

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The ache in your brain after several long hours of work should be your signal to take a break. Since your brain has used up its glucose, give yourself a moment to refresh by going for a walk, grabbing lunch or a snack, or just meditating. You’ll come back recharged and ready to achieve greater efficiency.

4. Tackle your challenging tasks before lunch:

knock out your most challenging work when your brain is fresh. If you have any busy work or meetings, save them for the afternoon. By scheduling your day this way, you’ll be able to create a new and more productive way to manage your time.

5. Stop multi-tasking :

Photo by Andrej Lišakov on Unsplash

Stop focusing on multiple things at the same time. Just concentrate on one thing at a time. It will help to get things done more effectively and efficiently by focusing on one task at a time.

6. Have a glass of lemon water:

Photo by Laura Chouette on Unsplash

It can boost your energy in the morning. For the best result, you should drink it daily on an empty stomach and wait for 15–20 minutes after drinking.

7. Exercise before work:

Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

A workout can help regulate your mood and stress level. Also, physical activity bolsters your energy. Get up a little earlier in the morning so you can fit a workout in before work or school.

  • You don’t have to do a long workout. Something as simple as 10 minutes of physical activity can help.
  • You can go for a brisk 10-minute walk, do 10 minutes of aerobics in your kitchen, or run on the treadmill for 10 minutes. If you like something like yoga or Pilates, try to find a 10-minute routine online

8. Focus on one thing at a time:

Photo by Diego PH on Unsplash

While you’re working on a single task, keep your energy focused there. Do not think about your commute home while you’re working on a report, for example. Do not think about the next assignment you need to do while you’re working on another assignment. Focusing on one thing at a time will make you more productive, as you’ll work more productively when you give a task your full attention.

  • Multitasking is actually bad for productivity. It will take you much longer to try to do three things at once than it will to do one thing at a time.
  • Instead of bouncing between different tasks, choose one, complete it, and then move on. Avoid things like checking your phone or email while you’re trying to complete something.

9. Tackle the most important tasks first:

If you’re not looking forward to a difficult or important task, do it first. This way, important jobs will not fall to the wayside. You will also feel more relaxed after getting a big task done, allowing you to proceed through your day with less stress. This can make you more productive.

  • You can refer to the list you made the night before. What were the three to five things you absolutely needed to do? Start with one of those.
  • For example, say you’re nervous about returning an email to an important client. Rather than putting this off and worrying about it, do it first thing in the morning.

10. Engage in activities that help you relax:

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

You can’t be going all the time. It’s important to take time each night to give yourself a break. Before bed, do something that keeps you feeling sane and grounded. Choose an activity like reading a book, taking a warm bath, or watching some television. All of this can help you feel more relaxed, preventing burnout which can decrease productivity



Soumita Pachhal
Soumita Pachhal

Written by Soumita Pachhal

Content Writer || Software Engineer|| MSSQL Consultant||

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